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Alcohol Use and Your Health | Alcohol Use | CDC - Centers for Disease ...
Excessive alcohol use can have immediate and long-term effects. Excessive drinking includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, and any drinking during pregnancy or by people younger than 21. Drinking less is better for your health than drinking more. You can lower your health risks by drinking less or choosing not to drink.

Alcohol Consumption - Our World in Data
Alcohol consumption is a known risk factor for a number of health conditions, and potential mortality cases. Alcohol consumption has a causal impact on more than 200 health conditions (diseases and injuries).

Alcohol use: Weighing risks and benefits - Mayo Clinic
The evidence for moderate alcohol use in healthy adults is still being studied. But good evidence shows that drinking high amounts of alcohol are clearly linked to health problems. Here's a closer look at alcohol and health.

Alcohol consumption | Drinking, Intoxication, Health Effects, & Society ...
Alcohol consumption is the drinking of beverages containing ethyl alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are consumed largely for their physiological and psychological effects, but they are often consumed within specific social contexts and may even be a part of religious practices.

Alcohol Facts and Statistics | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and ...
Learn up-to-date facts and statistics on alcohol consumption and its impact in the United States and globally. Explore topics related to alcohol misuse and treatment, underage drinking, the effects of alcohol on the human body, and more.

Alcohol - World Health Organization (WHO)
Alcohol or alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, a psychoactive and toxic substance that can cause dependence. Worldwide, around 2.6 million deaths were caused by alcohol consumption in 2019. Of these, 1.6 million deaths were from noncommunicable diseases, 700 000 deaths from injuries and 300 000 deaths from communicable diseases.

Alcohol and your health: Risks, benefits, and controversies
Of course, alcohol consumption extends well past toasts. For millions of people, it's a regular part of the dining experience, social and sports events, celebrations, and milestones. Alcohol plays a key role in many religious traditions. And the alcoholic beverage industry is a major economic force, responsible for more than $250 billion in ...

Alcohol Use in the United States: Age Groups and Demographic ...
Prevalence of Past-Month Heavy Alcohol Use. People Ages 12 and Older. According to the 2023 NSDUH, 16.4 million people ages 12 and older (5.8% in this age group) reported heavy alcohol use in the past month (see glossary for definition of heavy alcohol use). 9,10 This includes: 9.8 million males ages 12 and older (7.1% in this age group) 9,10

What Does Alcohol Do to Your Body? - Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials
Dr. Sengupta shares some of the not-so-obvious effects that alcohol has on your body. Your liver detoxifies and removes alcohol from your blood through a process known as oxidation. When your liver finishes that process, alcohol gets turned into water and carbon dioxide.

The risks of drinking too much - NHS
Regularly drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week risks damaging your health. The number of units in a drink is based on the size of the drink and its alcohol strength. New evidence around the health harms from regular drinking has emerged in recent years.




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