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Bile Duct Obstruction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
A bile duct obstruction occurs when a blockage or narrowing in your bile ducts prevents bile from flowing as it should. Gallstones are the most common cause. Treatment involves identifying what’s causing the blockage and removing it to prevent serious complications.

What Are Bile Ducts? - Cleveland Clinic
What is a bile duct? Bile ducts are tiny canals that connect some of the organs in your digestive system. Their purpose is to carry bile between these organs. The organs and bile ducts together form your biliary system. It includes your liver, your gallbladder and your small intestine. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.

Bile duct - Wikipedia
A bile duct is any of a number of long tube-like structures that carry bile, and is present in most vertebrates. The bile duct is separated into three main parts: the fundus (superior), the body (middle), and the neck (inferior).

Bile Duct Obstruction: Symptoms, Treatment, and Causes
A biliary obstruction blocks the bile ducts, which carry bile to the small intestine for digestion and waste removal. Learn about symptoms, causes, and more.

Biliary Tract: What It Is, Anatomy & Common Conditions
Your bile ducts collect bile where it’s created in your liver and carry it to the other organs in your biliary tract. All branches lead to the common bile duct, the main trunk of the biliary tree, which leads to your duodenum.

Biliary System Anatomy and Functions - Johns Hopkins Medicine
The biliary system consists of the organs and ducts (bile ducts, gallbladder, and associated structures) that are involved in the production and transportation of bile. The transportation of bile follows this sequence:

Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis: Biliary Ducts - StatPearls ...
Bile, a digestive fluid produced and secreted by the liver, is transported by a series of branching bile ducts known collectively as the biliary tree. At the cellular level, several narrow tubular channels called canaliculi collect the bile generated by each hepatocyte.




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