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Cirrhosis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Cirrhosis is usually a result of liver damage from conditions such as hepatitis B or C, or chronic alcohol use. The damage done by cirrhosis typically cannot be undone. But if caught early enough and depending on the cause, there is a chance of slowing it with treatment.

Cirrhosis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
Cirrhosis makes it more difficult for you to fight off infections. Protect yourself by avoiding people who are sick and washing your hands frequently. Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B, influenza, and pneumonia.

What is cirrhosis? A Mayo Clinic expert explains
Cirrhosis is usually a result of liver damage from conditions such as hepatitis B or C, or chronic alcohol use. The damage done by cirrhosis typically cannot be undone. But if caught early enough and depending on the cause, there is a chance of slowing it with treatment.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - Symptoms and causes
Severe liver scarring, or cirrhosis, is the main complication of NAFLD and NASH. Cirrhosis happens because of liver injury, such as the damage caused by inflammation in NASH . As the liver tries to stop inflammation, it creates areas of scarring, also called fibrosis.

Stage 4 Cirrhosis: What to expect? - Mayo Clinic Connect
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cirrhosis a couple months ago and just wanted to hear people experiences, how the process works, what to expect with the process and any other useful information.

Cirrhosis - Care at Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic doctors have expertise and experience in evaluating and caring for people who have cirrhosis. Every year, nearly 8,000 people are treated at Mayo Clinic for this chronic liver disorder. If a liver transplant is necessary, all Mayo campuses have transplant centers.

Cirrhosis FAQs - Mayo Clinic
If you or someone you know has cirrhosis, or is at risk, you may be asking yourself a lot of questions. A Mayo Clinic expert is here to help you answer them. This content does not have an English version.

Cirrosis - Síntomas y causas - Mayo Clinic
Gines P, et al. Liver cirrhosis. The Lancet. 2021; doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01374-X. Feldman M, et al., eds. Overview of cirrhosis. In: Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management. 11th ed. Elsevier; 2021. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Jan. 6, 2023. Wilson R, et al. Cirrhosis.

Liver problems - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Over time, conditions that damage the liver can lead to scarring, called cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition. But early treatment may give the liver time to heal.

Typical liver vs. liver cirrhosis - Mayo Clinic
A typical liver (left) shows no signs of scarring. In cirrhosis (right), scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue.




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